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Github Notifications Do Not Update Github Commit Status


Although notifications appear to be set up correctly, Spinnaker is unable to update the Github Commit Status to Github properly.    Echo shows an error related to an unexpected URL and is unable to make API requests to Github, like the following below example: 2020-11-03 17:58:24.224 INFO 1 --- [xIoScheduler-93] c.n.s.e.n.GithubNotificationAgent : Sending Github status check for application: test 2020-11-03 17:58:24.225 INFO 1 --- [xIoScheduler-93] c.n.spinnaker.echo.github.GithubService : ---> HTTP GET ''/repos/testGit/commits/9da3da385417cd14f9a8a69518845063bc95146b 2020-11-03 17:58:24.225 INFO 1 --- [xIoScheduler-93] c.n.spinnaker.echo.github.GithubService : Authorization: token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2020-11-03 17:58:24.225 INFO 1 --- [xIoScheduler-93] c.n.spinnaker.echo.github.GithubService : ---> END HTTP (no body) 2020-11-03 17:58:24.225 INFO 1 --- [xIoScheduler-93] c.n.spinnaker.echo.github.GithubService : ---- ERROR ''/repos/testGit/commits/9da3da385417cd14f9a8a69518845063bc95146b 2020-11-03 17:58:24.226 INFO 1 --- [xIoScheduler-93] c.n.spinnaker.echo.github.GithubService : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unexpected url: ''/repos/testGit/commits/9da3da385417cd14f9a8a69518845063bc95146b at com.squareup.okhttp.Request$Builder.url( at retrofit.client.OkClient.createRequest( at retrofit.client.OkClient.execute( at retrofit.RestAdapter$RestHandler.invokeRequest( [...]


The pipeline status notifications are not building Github status URL correctly.  Spinnaker is using '['](; to begin the URL reference, instead of just []( the above example: 2020-11-03 17:58:24.225 INFO 1 --- [xIoScheduler-93] c.n.spinnaker.echo.github.GithubService : ---> HTTP GET ''/repos/testGit/commits/9da3da385417cd14f9a8a69518845063bc95146b

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